About Us

And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. - Mark 16:15

The objective to create The Bible Gems website, page on Facebook and account on Instagram is simply to spread the Word of God, and not to spread the religion. If we are spreading God's Word, it means we are spreading the relationship with God. Spread God's word to all people of the planet to introduce Gods children to their Father.

We can spread the Word of the Lord in many ways. It is important to tell people in your home, in your neighbourhood, in your city, in your state, and in your county about the miraculous and amazing things God does for us. You can spread God's Word by taking interested people who may be your friends, relatives, neighbours or anyone who is in a miserable life condition, and starting youth groups in your community.

You can even spread God's word to diseased people or people attacked by evil spirit to have them relieved from their problem. You can teach God's word to non-believers in many other ways, but with patience and uncomplaining manner.

You should pay attention to understand God's word, and then spread it to others. If we lead a person to the wrong path, or tell them something that isn't true, then what good have we done?